Driving into the Future: Your Guide to Telematics Car Insurance
In the constantly ever-evolving insurance industry, telematics car insurance has emerged as a groundbreaking technology. Customers seek increased personalization and innovative cost-saving methods, meaning the future of insurance incorporates telematics. At Gerety...
Holiday Safety Tips: Protecting Your Home and Loved Ones
The holiday season is a wonderful time of year—homes glowing in festive lights, busy kitchens and delicious food, and families gathering to celebrate. But the holidays also bring unique risks, from fire hazards to a greater likelihood of injury. This comprehensive...
Does Insurance Cover Lightning Strikes?
In Maryland, we’ve recently witnessed a series of massive storms. Lightning has wreaked havoc across the state, leaving families worried and unsure about their home’s safety and their financial future. Lightning strikes are a widespread issue that many are...
A Roadmap to Car Insurance for Teens
The rite of passage, the thrill of the open road, the nervous excitement as a teen turns the ignition for the first time – obtaining a driver’s license is a pivotal moment in a young person’s life. It’s not just about the freedom to drive; it’s...