Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers Comp Insurance Maryland: Protect Your Biggest Assets — Your Employees

Workers Compensation insurance provides coverage for lost wages, medical care, and death benefits for employers.   The state of Maryland, with few exceptions, every employer in the State of Maryland with one or more employees is required by law to provide workers compensation coverage for their employees.

Reasons You May Be Overpaying:

  • You are insured with a payroll provided that does not understand insurance
  • Your agent incorrectly classified your employees leading to increased rates
  • You have an Experience Mod that is out of control
  • Large end of the year audit bills
  • Your agent has limited workers comp providers

Frequently Asked Questions:

How is Gerety Insurance going to help me more than my current agent?

  • With 30+ Workers Compensation carriers we understand the market to get you the best rate
  • Assistance with end of year audits
  • Experience in working with reporting agencies to lower your Experience Mod
  • Nurse Triage services to determine the best course of care prior to submitting a claim

Has your agent ever talked to you about your Experience Mod?

  • An Experience Mod (also called E-Mod) is a rating factor based on expected losses vs actual losses. It helps determine the cost of insurance by modifying the premium provided by the insurance carrier.  At Gerety Insurance we educate our clients on E-Mods because a low experience mod can lower your yearly premium and show you as a businessowner where you are you are having the most frequent and serve claims.

What if I 1099 all my employees?

  • Depending on the circumstances and state you could be found responsible for a 1099’d employee. If you have never discussed this with your agent, give us a call to review your policy and gain clarity.
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